Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Be Part of LSM 2014 Oyster Reef Build

 The Spat Pac Invites You To Help Leave A Legacy of Cleaner Water

A group of LSM 2014 class members has decided to focus on making a direct impact on local water quality by undertaking an oyster reef installation in the St. Mary’s River.

Filter-feeding oysters aid in the clean-up of our local watershed and contribute to a healthier Chesapeake Bay. Classmates Ray Dodson, Bob Lewis, Beverly Brown, Holly Meyer, Joe Klausner, Rebecca Bridgett, Jeff Lehnertz, Michelle Ruble, MaryAnne Bowman and Carrie Kelly have made replenishing the oyster population their Legacy Project, with a goal of ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy the beautiful waterways which surround the Southern Maryland region.

Bob Lewis, Executive Director of the St. Mary’s River Watershed Association, knows a thing or two about building oyster reefs and has worked with numerous groups to create a three-dimensional habitat in the river’s sanctuary.

The LSM classmates have dubbed themselves ‘The Spat Pac’ and have set the pace committing their own financial support and volunteer hours to create an oyster reef, complete with spat, or infant oysters, on Saturday, Nov. 16.

Fellow classmates have already jumped on board to help and the group hopes LSM 
alumni and board members will join them in their eco-conscious efforts. They ask for a $30 contribution and welcome volunteers to meet them on the waterfront at St. Mary’s College of Maryland to be part of something lasting and beneficial for our community.

Volunteers age 11 and up should wear work clothes and footwear which covers the feet.  The Watershed Association will provide life jackets, gloves and food.

Heavy-duty wheelbarrows are needed and participants will meet at Barry Friedman’s, 47171 Snow Hill Manor Road at 9 a.m.

For more information on oyster reefs and their vital role in the health of the watershed, visit You can make your tax deductible $30 donation via PayPal by clicking HERE.
Foul weather date is Sunday, Nov. 17.
Please RSVP and send any inquiries to We hope you’ll be part of revitalizing the mighty oyster in the St. Mary’s River with us.

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